Permutation is our experimental series of small batch offerings, showcasing the unique visions and innovative concepts developed by our brewing and cellar crew.
Not one to be rushed into maturity, Permutation 16 was brewed nearly four years ago in 2016. Achieving a depth of character that only time can create, this American Wild Ale is finally ready for release. Pouring a bright, marigold yellow, aromas of fresh pear, lemon preserves, and peach pit are met with our house mixed culture character. Medium-bodied and tame in its acidity, Permutation 16 continues to develop as the glass diminishes.
STYLE: American Wild Ale
ABV: 7.2%
HOPS: US Goldings
MALT: Pilsner Malt, Valley Wheat, Valley Triticale, Maine Grains Flaked Triticale, Maine Grains Flaked Rye