Nestled in the bay just off the coast, Boston's Harbor Islands are rich with history and intrigue. Each is known for its unique appeal and backstory, with a string of larger narratives tying them together en masse. The Harbor Islands IPA series grew out of the exploration that took place in our Permutation Series, where we developed a new series of IPAs that showcases extraordinary hops, building on our team's experience brewing hoppy beer at Trillium. Learn more about the Boston Harbor Islands from Boston Harbor Now.
Peddocks Island is the first installment in the Harbor Islands series - brewed with the signature Citra hop. The beer pours orange with enticing haze, and starts tropical with pineapple, mango and a touch of citrus on the nose. Fresh oranges take the lead on the flavor, with pineapple and grapefruit pith following, and a touch of candied peach sweetness following. Overall, a Citra saturated beer that showcases the vast array of incredible aromas and flavors that hops bring out.
ABV: 6.8%
HOPS: Citra
MALT: Pale Malt, Honey Malt, Victory Malt