A unique magic resides in falling snowflakes, fireside carols and festive family gatherings. An ode to the centuries-old Belgian tradition of sharing the “gift” of an annual Christmas beer, we present Cadeau to celebrate this joyful time of year.
A Belgian Holiday Golden Ale, Cadeau pours with fragrant aromatics of pear, apple, and a note of delicate white pepper. Leaping carbonation lifts the pleasant, lively and classic yeast fermentation character providing beautiful effervescence. Bright on the palate, balanced by pleasant spice notes, an elegant malt backbone, and light, continental hoppiness. At 9.1%, Cadeau is crafted to sip slowly amongst loved ones paired with time honored holiday dishes.
STYLE: Holiday Belgian Ale
ABV: 9.1%
HOPS: Sterling
MALT: Pilsner, Dextrose
A Belgian Holiday Golden Ale, Cadeau pours with fragrant aromatics of pear, apple, and a note of delicate white pepper. Leaping carbonation lifts the pleasant, lively and classic yeast fermentation character providing beautiful effervescence. Bright on the palate, balanced by pleasant spice notes, an elegant malt backbone, and light, continental hoppiness. At 9.1%, Cadeau is crafted to sip slowly amongst loved ones paired with time honored holiday dishes.
STYLE: Holiday Belgian Ale
ABV: 9.1%
HOPS: Sterling
MALT: Pilsner, Dextrose